Misfit, Facilitator and Co-Founder
Brandon Parkhurst is a Certified Core Energetics Practitioner and musician. He has years of experience working with individuals and groups of people focused on emotional intelligence through deep process work. Brandon’s has a unique ability to foster connection and create opportunities for people to work through issues such as addiction, trauma, fear, anxiety, and anger. His process ultimately helps those in need break through to unlock a deeper and more authentic version of themselves. To be fully ALIVE!
Brandon Parkhurst is a musician, music expressionist, and Certified Core Energetics Practitioner specializing in addiction, emotional intelligence and personal growth. He works with groups and individual clients providing a safe space for people to heal trauma and work through blocked emotions. As a musician Brandon toured for most of his early years in his bands Kut U Up and Yovee alongside mainstream acts such as Green Day and Blink 182. Now Brandon works with the therapeutic elements of music and Somatic psychotherapy Healing techniques to lead people to a place of feeling totally ALIVE.